Tone up

How to overcome setbacks.?

Some people have a stubborn way of thinking that resistance is weakness, you crush it with the biggest weights, but the same person with a disability will not work. he will not be able to sit down deeply without tearing off his socks, his movements will be too slow and clumsy. So I overcame this feeling and today I want to share a few tricks to help you overcome this feeling of inferiority and achieve more success.1) Use humor or at least a positive attitude to overcome the feeling of inferiority. Believe me, you will not succeed, even if you work hard and practice daily. But if you're frustrated with yourself, you can always try something. 2) Take less time off work for exercise and sports. Many people think that working out for 15 minutes to 90 minutes is more effective than 2 hours of dedicated cardio. Actually, the opposite is true, the longer you train, the more muscles you need to work with, and the less recovery time you get. 3) Take breaks in between sets. Many people are tempted to alternate between sets and give up. Yes, 90 minutes is not a small amount of time, but if you need it to, then 1.5-2 hours is enough. 4) Increase the intensity of training. The more aggressive the training mode, the greater the workload you need. If you only do basic strength training, reduce the rest time between sets.5) Stretch well. Stretching is a very important part of sports. If you do stretching, then the result will not be long in coming. The more muscles you stretch, the faster the result will be.6) Wait until the last minute. A lot of people do not wait until the last minute, they go right to the end and work out. But this is a BAD idea. The undesired effect of postponing the momentous decision time after completion of the work. If you want to make a decision stand at the deadline, now is not the time. You need to act immediately. 7) Think positive. You have the right to an opinion, even a minority opinion. But before you start raging against the feeling of inadequacy, think about your capabilities. who your opponent is. Who is capable of performing this or that task? Don't just start, analyze and decry. Be the master of your thoughts and feelings. The real authority and source of strength. You. Are. The master. Make your own decision. If you're the author of a child, don't be afraid of being criticized for the lack of female characters on your team. It doesn't matter if the person is your own age, on the contrary, it is important to constantly improve yourself. The most important thing is to constantly strive for the improvement of your image. And by constantly striving, you will achieve it.